Monaco Classic Week (27.9.2001)
Die Regattaergebnisse
First World Meeting (23.9.2001)
For the first world meeting of associations of classic boats organised in the Principality, Paul Henderson, President of I.S.A.F. officially announced the appointment of the Yacht Club de Monaco for the next five years to co-ordinate the different actions around the world that would help classic boats.
Around 40 people, representing Yacht Clubs, Classic Boat Associations, shipyards and architects, from all over Europe as well as Canada and the United States met for two days with the order of the day and the common objective of maintaining and saving the patrimony of world Classic Yachting.
Recognisable among the participants were American Naval architect Olin Stephens, Nucci Novi Ceppellini and George Andreadis, Vice-Presidents of I.S.A.F. and the Swiss collector Albert Obrist, the well-known restorer of Altaïr.
(Pressemitteilung Yacht Club de Monaco / P. König - Vertreter des FKY in Monaco - wird im nächsten Mitteilungsblatt berichten)
Link der Woche: "Aldebaran" steht zum Verkauf
Veteran Boat Rally, Porto Cervo (18.9.2001)
Die Regattaergebnisse
"Register klassischer Yachten" (15.9.2001)
Ergänzungen und Änderungen auf über 1000 Positionen ...
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Regattaergebnisse zentraler Wettfahrten in den Traditionsjollenklassen:
12qm Sharpies (EM)
J-Jollen (EM)
Z-Jollen (DM)
6 mR World Cup in Portofino auf Mai 2002 verschoben (13.9.2001)
"The President of YCI has announced that the World Cup scheduled for 29.9 - 9.10 2001 has been postponed due to the tragic terrorist attacks in the USA. Preliminary the WC is set to take place in end of April - beginning of May 2002 in Portofino.More info from the YCI will be available shortly.
The ISMA Annual Meeting is also postponed due to above."
Holzbootregatta Schwerin 2001
Die Ergebnisse
America's Cup - Jubilee: Fotos der teilnehmenden Yachten von Tim Wright (9.9.2001)
Jetzt melden: Holzbootregatta Schwerin
Info: SSV von 1894, Werderstr. 120, 19055 Schwerin, Kai Erichsen, Tel. 0385 793523
Neue Mitgliederyachten im Juli / August (2.9.2001)
Argo, O-Jolle, Bj 1960
Cartagena, Malteser 17, Bj 1937
Cavalluccio, Kreuzeryacht, Bj 1984
Cirrus III, Folke junior, Bj 1958
Don Quichote, Hansa-Jolle, Bj 1965
Elan II, Schleikreuzer, Bj 1930
Flamingo, W-Boot ?, Bj 1935
Freischwimmer, JK-Ausgleicher, Bj 1961
Harlekin, Folkeboot, Bj 1985
Heidrun, Schwertzugvogel, Bj 1962
Humidor, Hansa-Jolle, Bj 1962
Juistine, 30qm Jollenkreuzer, Bj 1967
Maria, 6 KR, Bj 1965
Merlin, Spitzgatter, Bj 1934
Nautilus, Kreuzeryacht, Bj 1964
NN, Kreuzeryacht, Bj 1924
Oase, Kreuzeryacht, Bj 1920 ?
Quimbo, JK-Ausgleicher, Bj 1927
Senta, Kreuzeryacht, Bj 1898
Sommerwind, 30qm Jollenkreuzer, Bj 1959
Svea, 7 mR, Bj 1914
Teutone, I-Jolle, Bj 1936 ?
V. Symphonie, Kreuzeryacht, Bj 1962
Windsbraut, H-Jolle, Bj 1950
Spund, 15qm Jollenkreuzer, Bj 1961
Svea, Super-Schelde-Schouw, Bj 1974
Targon, 30qm Binnenkieler, Bj 1922
Wiking, Kreuzeryacht, Bj 1967
Link der Woche: Cowes-Tagebuch der 12mR "Anita" |