Schon an Weihnachten gedacht?

Nein? Warum nicht ein wunderschönes Bronze Halbmodell eines Gareloch One Design (GOD) (sich selbst) schenken?

Immer wieder berichten wir über die spannenden und herausfordernden Teamracing Wettfahrten mit unseren schottischen Freunden des Royal Northern, Helensburgh. Die GOD sind 24ft. Yachten, 1924 am Gareloch von McGruers gebaut. Der Rat von Argyll and Bute hat beschlossen, diese Schiffe mit der dauerhaften Platzierung eines Halbmodelles auf dem zentralen Platz der Stadt zu ehren. Eines dieser Modelle steht jetzt zur Auktion. Das Startgebot liegt bei GBP 200, Angebote können in einer blind auction bis zum [2. Oktober 2019, 24.00h UK time] an den GOD-Treasurer, Bill Mclaren,, gesendet werden. Viel Erfolg!

Der GOD Class Convenor, Prof. John Blackie, schreibt uns dazu: The background is that Argyll and Bute Council, the local government body for our area, choose one from a number of applicants from organisation to add a monument to one of the stone plinths in Colquhoun Square in Helensburgh to continue to develop the space as the "Outdoor Museum". The Gareloch Class are the chosen body for this year.


Tim Henderson put in hours of skilled labour removing casting defects and further polishing one of the early castings of the hull of the model. He has mounted it on half-inch plywood with a green finish, with spars and sails and rigging drawn on as they will appear on the monument, and with fixings on the back to enable it to be hung on a wall. The dimensions are 525mm high, and 425mm wide.

Upset price
We already have one pre-auction offer of GBP 200, which is the upset price.

I am sure you will agree that this is a most beautiful work of artistic craftsmanship and worth paying more than that to secure for your wall or whatever you would enjoy doing with it.

This is "blind auction". Bids will not be revealed to other bidders.
Bids are to be by email our Treasurer, Bill Mclaren:

Time limit
Wednesday 2nd October 2019, 24.00 UK time

Successful bidder
The successful bidder will be contacted by email after the auction has closed.

Good luck!

