TV: Herreshoff S-Boat class: Vom Modell zur Zeichnung

Bristol Boat Company and Herreshoff Designs are teaming up for the restoration of "Papoose," hull #3 of the original Herreshoff S-Boat class. Watch as Adam Langerman shows how the lines are taken from Capt. Nathaniel Herreshoff's original carved S-Boat model, transferred to a computer and then used to produce detailed templates that master boat builder Dan Shea will use to restore "Papoose" to her original and intended shape.

Halsey Herreshoff takes measurements from original Capt. Nat S-Boat Model

Bristol Boat Company is currently restoring an original Herreshoff S Boat. Watch Halsey Herreshoff in the Herreshoff Marine Museum measure the lines off the original Capt. Nathaniel Herreshoff S Boat Model. Once the model is transferred to paper, Dan Shea Bristol of Boat Company, can return the S-Boat “Papoose” to Capt. Nats original and intended shape for the classic Herreshoff S Class.
